Getting Started

We’re here to help you take action after what happened to you. We’ll keep you informed along the way for what to expect and will give you transparency into what will happen next.

To begin, start your action plan. We’ll help you figure out whether you want to just get help, record what happened, collect evidence, report to police, or all of the above.

Collecting Evidence

Collecting evidence can mean a lot of things. First, it’s one way to simply keep record of evidence and what happened to you so that when you feel ready to report you can. Second, if you choose to report, it will only add more value to your case.

Sign up
To report with Margo, you’ll want to sign up for an account here first. That way, we can start the process of adding evidence, and recording what happened.

Locate a forensic provider
Next, we’ll help you find the closest provider who can collect evidence from your body. They are trained in how to provide trauma focused care and how to collect forensic evidence.

Begin collecting evidence
Next, you’ll begin to record what happened to you, upload any information that you have and anything you want the provider to be aware of. When you arrive, the provider will guide you through the process and will upload/link the evidence to your record.


When you report, you can simply add your information to our database without going to the police and filing an official report. If you change your mind, we will help you submit the report when you’re ready. If you don’t report to the police, we will keep your data anonymous but will compile data on who you are reporting and DNA from them, so that if the person has multiple reports against them, you can either choose to report, or we can bring it to the police.

What occurred

For the report, we’ll ask you to explain exactly what happened and if you know who harmed you. This will help us create a plan for you that suits your needs.

Upload any information

Upload any conversations, photos, audio or anything else you have that might help your record. More information is always helpful and could benefit your case.

What you want to happen to the person

You can indicate to us what you want to happen to your report and the person you are reporting. This will help us as a system better come up with what feels fair.